Monday, March 17, 2014

SOL 17/31: Homework

I look out the window staring at the beautiful blue day with no clouds and its the perfect temperature. Then I look down at the huge mound of homework that sits in front of me taunting me. I have spanish, math, unit, slices and lines to memorize for the play. I look back up out the window. The war has just started in my head. Its a sunday morning around ten o'clock and it gorgeous out. I think about maybe going to the park or walking down to cherry creek to enjoy some cold frozen yogurt on this hot day, but then I try to use some common sense because all my homework is due tomorrow and I haven't even started on it. I go back and forth probably wasting more time then I should just deciding what to do.

I think on the pros and cons of both and it just goes back a forth. I decide that I really should do my homework. I start to put my head down when I decide and stand up look at my homework and say "Screw it" then run outside to bask in the sun.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds so familiar! I like the last paragraph; I think it's so relatable to almost anyone.
