Sunday, November 3, 2013

Week #10: Allegiant

This week I read Allegiant by Veronica Roth. This was a really good book. It is really hard to describe the book because so much happens in it and if some one reads this review who is still on the first or second book I could give something big away on accident. I will just say this is a great book it was written really well. The only part I don't love is the ending. It is really well written and all but it's not want you want to happen. This book is 500+ pages. It goes by really quickly though. Overall this was a very good and very well written book.

Next week I will read Dangerous Days: Daniel X.


  1. I thought the ending was both great and horrible, but I really liked it.

  2. I really enjoyed the book and like how the ending resolved plenty but still let the reader imagine what the character's future lives would be like. I was also impressed by Roth's bravery as a writer to make the plots twists she did.

  3. I've heard so many great things about Allegiant, but I haven't even touched Insurgent yet. Better get on that. Thanks for the recommendation!
