Sunday, January 19, 2014

Morning Routine SOL

Morning Routine
By JP Aro
I wake up to the same tune that comes blaring from my iPhone every morning. I roll over and hit the snooze button and fall back asleep. Just ten minutes more. Ten minutes later the same thing happens but instead I flip the alarm off and haul myself out of bed. I walk groggy eyed down the stairs and turn on the shower. The warm water on my skin makes my brain feel more awake. I get out dry off and tromp back upstairs to my room putting on a fresh pair of clothes. Clomping back down the stairs past the bathroom and down another I see my dad reading the newspaper in the breakfast nook. After our morning greetings I help myself to some cereal and orange juice. I sit down across from my dad and start flipping through the sports page. Checking scores, injuries, standings and of course who is playing that night. Once down I gather up my bags and papers and take them to the car throw them in the back and hop in the front. I then sit there for about a minute before I see my mom emerge from the house. We start to drive away. We talk about the plan for that night, any updates on my sports and any other pressing matters. By the time we finish that I see we are turning from 14th onto Yosemite. I reach into my pocket and pull out my phone flipping it on airplane mode and silent. I then hop out the car and grab my stuff and start to approach the Logan School where I have gone the last eight and a half years.

1 comment:

  1. You don't brush your teeth, put on shoes, put contacts in or anything? sounds much less complicated than my mornings.
