Friday, March 14, 2014

SOL 14/31: Junior Olympics

I wake up and turn over. My three teammates are still dead asleep one of the snoring. I work my way over our cluttered hotel room in the process almost stepping on my teammate who is dead asleep on the floor. After I get to my phone I turn it on and start to check my texts. After two water polo games the first day and four yesterday I'm very exhausted. We have a record of 4-2 and we have four games today followed by at least two more the next day. I am about to lay back down when my alarm blares out. My teammates groan and flip back over. I work my way back to the alarm and turn it off then slump back on the floor closing my eyes. I back asleep. Ten minutes later I wake when my teammates through a bottle of water at me. I started yelling at them and they run out the room down to breakfast. I grab my damp towel dry off then follow them down grabbing my bag on my way out. After a five minute breakfast and devouring three eggs, four pancakes, three sages, some bacon and an apple I run outside and hop in the van. BY the time we get to the first pool we have two minutes before our game. We deck change and run and jump in the water. After a few laps we are ready to start our game. I line up on the wall and hear the whistle blow. 


  1. I like the detail, nice work! I really like your first few sentences!

  2. Wow-can't believe you can be competing after a very quick breakfast & ride. You all must be in good shape! Good description of the wake-up-so hard to do!

  3. Nice work, JP! I always love your water polo slices, since I know so little about it.
