Sunday, December 8, 2013

Week 14: The 5th Wave

This week I read The Fifth Wave by Rick Yancey. This book was about an alien invasion that comes in waves. The problem is though that the aliens are not showing up only death. EMP's, Disease, tidal waves, drones… They wave gone through four waves and the remaining survivors are expecting a fifth but do not what or when it is coming.  This book follows the survival and struggles of Cassie and sometimes go to her baby brother and a boy named Ben Parish. This was an extremely well written and 480 pages. I suggest it for anyone in this class. If I had to say the three books it's closest to I would say, the Hunger Games, Divergent and War of the Worlds. The Hunger Games because it's about a sixteen year old girls surviving against the odds. Divergent because its about everyone turning on each other and some weird mind control stuff. War of the Worlds because it's kind like unknown aliens invade earth and all that. Overall a good read.

Next week I will read The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown.


  1. It sounds pretty promising, I'll read it sometime

  2. it sounds cool, what kind of drones and what does waves mean? but cool book
